Thoughts Sharing - Various Random
Thoughts Sharing - Various Random
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Paper folded 50 times will reach the Sun : Common sense misconceptions
IKIGAI - Finding purpose - Japanese secret to a fulfilling life
The human mind - absolute and eternal truth - Hamsters and Galaxies
What are other people going to think?
The entire Universe is vibrating, forming patterns
Science is a subject or a tool for investigation - human definitions and hypotheses
Music - and living in the present moment
Universal Consciousness or God: In a dark room can you see the Flashlight itself?
Why would you like to know the future? Then why not watch match-fixed games?
Society - 26 people own more wealth than the combined wealth of 4 Billion!
Productivity tools causing loss of productivity - Too many distractions!
GOD 101: Does your dog understand your bank account?
The Universe that we see around us -- is a physical manifestation of the unseen/unknown/mysterious
“we are all one”, what does it mean? - our bodies were part of a star once !!
unhappiness paradox - sharing life thoughts
living in the moment - sharing life thoughts
You get what you already have and you lose what you never had!
Grass is always greener on the other side -- my first trial ToastMaster speech#1
Destiny or Free Will? - post #1 - ..thinking of galaxy collisions today