Why would you like to know the future ? ... then why not watch match-fixed games?
Why would you like to know the future?
then why not watch match-fixed games?
The topic of this article is a question to many, or perhaps most, people in the world, who would like to know their future.
Ideally, one would like to know their own future, and perhaps everyone else's future too. Maybe the whole world's future.
OK, Do we like to watch a game where the outcome is known? I am not talking about watching a replay on TV but would anyone get excited or go to a stadium let's say to watch a game where the outcome is already known (like match-fixing as it is sometimes called)? Most likely not!
I think it is actually a good thing that there are not many or perhaps none of the astrologers who can really predict the future (although they claim to be able to tell the future). But most or nearly all of them just cannot do it. I suspect that there might be one or two who can predict the future but they are perhaps pretty much unknown persons as they do not want to lose their powers or their authenticity by going public with this.
Life is like a game. Our interactions with other people and things are like a game. We do not know how things and people will interact with us and out there in the world in general.
We experience the unknown as we live life day to day, with all our interactions and activities, like a game, and that is the excitement of living life!
Namaste !