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A productivity hack - 5 steps to the essential Daily Log document

Paper folded 50 times will reach the Sun : Common sense misconceptions

IKIGAI - Finding purpose - Japanese secret to a fulfilling life

The human mind cannot comprehend the absolute and eternal truth as it is beyond human - Hamsters and Galaxies

What are other people going to think?

The entire Universe is vibrating, forming patterns with its endless billions of Galaxies with billions of stars in each

Science is a subject or a tool for investigation based on human definitions and hypotheses

Music - and living in the present moment

Universal Consciousness or God: In a dark room can you see the Flashlight instrument itself with the light?

Why would you like to know the future ? ... then why not watch match-fixed games?

Society - 26 people own more wealth than the combined wealth of 4,000,000,000 (4 Billion) people in the world!