Guided Mindfulness Meditation and Healing Mantra Kirtan chanting - Sept 20, 2024
Guided Mindfulness Meditation and Healing Mantra Kirtan chanting
[ 1 ] Breathwork Pranayama
- Background notes on Pranayam
- This is the next step after Asanas as Pranayam practice requires mastery of Asanas first
- Having a Guru to teach this is essential
- Ideal to practice Pranayams 4 times a day.
- Morning , Noon, Evening, Midnight.
- Duration 15 minutes.
- Breathe through the Nose for all pranayams
- Ideal to Sit on the floor on blanket rolled
- Virasana
- Siddhasana
- Padmasana
- Buddha Konasana
- Eyes closed , look inward
- Jalandhar Bandha position for chin + chest
- Mula Bandha typically after inhalation retention
- Uddiyana Bandha after exhalation retention
- Puraka == Inhalation
- Rechaka == exhalation
- Kumbhaka == retention [ antara == inhale retention ; Bahya == external retention)
- Sit in Siddhasana
- perform Jalandar bandha
- wrists , palms on knees
- Gyan Mudra for fingers
- look inwards technique
- breathe in (puraka) with both nostrils
- Stay in antara kumbhaka
- Mula bandha + udiyana abs belly towards spine
- breathe out (rechaka)
- practice SO-HAM technique
- Inhale slow
- Exhale vigorous
- Multiple times
- Short retention after every exhalation
- Shavasana at the end
- Steps
- Right Nostril Exhale
- Right Nostril Inhale
- Left Nostril Exhale
- Left Nostril Inhale
- Right Nostril Exhale
- Right Nostril Inhale
- Left Nostril Exhale
- Left Nostril Inhale
- After every exhale , block both Nostrils, empty lungs , external retention , uddiyana bandha
- After every inhale, block both Nostrils, internal retention , Muladhara bandha
[ 2 ] Mindfulness Meditation in 3 steps
(1) Observe/Watch/Acknowledge
Mindfulness Meditation is different from visualizing or chanting or praying or even thinking etc
It is about just observing/watching/acknowledging your own thoughts/mind as they come and go …and bringing your mind back to your breath and not get carried away by the thought (which we do most of the time)
(2) Recognize the thought or feeling
Recognize the pattern of your thoughts. For each thought, recognize - for example ‘oh it is anger’ or ‘ jealousy’ or ‘repenting something’ , or ‘ego show off’ etc etc… just recognize and watch and come back to observing breath…
It is like you are standing on a train station and different trains are coming but you are not getting on to any train just watching…
(3) Equanimity
The next step after that is Equanimity. This is the Vipassana meditation or Insight.
That is more difficult and next step. For younger people it is more difficult but the older you get it is probably little easier. This is being equanimous or non attached or no cravings and no aversion, or no strong feeling of like or dislike or hate..
[ 3 ] Mantra Kirtan Chanting
1. Anandmayee Chaitanyamayee Satyamayee Parame
2. He Govind, He Gopal, He daya nidhaan,
Praan nath anaath sakhe, deen dard nivaar
3. Om Namah Shivay, Om Namah Shivay
Har Har Bhole Namah Shivay
Maheshwara Shiva Maheshwara
Har Har Bhole Maheshwara
[Maheshwara replaced by: Rameshwara, Gangadhara,
Jatadhara, Someshwara, Vishweshvara, Koteshwara]
4. Jai Radha Madhava, Jai Kunj Bihari
5. Om Mani Padme Hum
6. Govinda Bolo Hari Gopala Bolo
Radha Raman Hari Gopal Bolo
7. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare
[ 4 ] Yoga Nidra - a short 15-minute session
Yoga Nidra is a process of deep relaxation for your entire body while you are still awake and not sleeping.
Nidra means sleep in Sanskrit and Hindi but Yoga Nidra is a relaxation technique while you are still awake.
- Non-Sleep Deep Rest. NSDR. This is basically the same as Yoga Nidra state. Current medical science researchers are also exploring this, and they are talking about its immense benefits.
- Relationship with Brain Waves Frequency
- 5 different frequency ranges identified by modern scientists
- Alpha, neutral or resting and light meditation, 8 - 12 Hz
- Beta, busy and active, eyes open, decision making, 13 - 30
- Gamma, problem-solving, agitated, 30+
- Theta, deep meditation or Sleepy drowsiness, 4-8
- Delta, Sleep and dreaming, 0-3
- Abdominal / Diaphragmatic breathing
- Our body is controlled by the messages and impulses sent by the nervous system. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), is comprised of the Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).
- PNS -> rest and digest. Laying on a warm cozy couch, getting hugs, etc.
- SNS -> fight or flight. Alert with increased heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pupil size.
- Abdominal/Diaphragmatic Breathing activates the Para-Sympathetic nervous system (PNS).
A guided 15-minute Yoga Nidra session:- Turn the lights off and play some soft music. Some soft incense may be used. Making sure that the environment is relaxing and comfortable.
- Lay in the Shavasana position ( search on Google if you want to find out more of what this means ) or otherwise, any other relaxing, comfortable position will suffice.
- Focus on Abdominal Breathing. Start with very long, deep, slow, but gentle breaths. When you inhale, your abdomen/ belly should rise. When you exhale the belly goes down.
- Feel the force of gravity pulling you towards the Mother Earth. You might feel your body melting. Imagine the body slowly sinking.
- Feel the temperature and breeze around your skin. Any contact with the clothes or the mat or anything. We do not usually pay attention to these details in general.
- Listen to the sound waves hitting your ear. Do not analyze but just acknowledge what you hear.
- Relax all the muscles in your body, starting with tightening and then releasing muscles at each body part one by one.
- Make a Sankalpa (intention) of something nice for you and the world. Something which is Peaceful, Happy, Positive, Accepting/Loving/Forgiving.
- Follow your breath. From the time it enters thru your nostrils to its passage all the way to the lungs and back. Very closely follow its passage.
- Scan each and every part of your body mentally. Start from the top of your head till you scan all your toes in your feet. Feel the relaxed part melt into the thin air.
- Repeat the scans all over your body. Just observe.