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Mindfulness Meditation in 3 steps

Yoga philosophy - Yoga and the history of Oneness

Music Nada Yoga -- 1.4. - some thoughts , quotes , questions and more !

The human mind cannot comprehend the absolute and eternal truth as it is beyond human - Hamsters and Galaxies

The entire Universe is vibrating, forming patterns with its endless billions of Galaxies with billions of stars in each

Science is a subject or a tool for investigation based on human definitions and hypotheses

Music - and living in the present moment

Universal Consciousness or God: In a dark room can you see the Flashlight instrument itself with the light?

Why would you like to know the future ? ... then why not watch match-fixed games?

Society - 26 people own more wealth than the combined wealth of 4,000,000,000 (4 Billion) people in the world!

A definition of Civilization !

Productivity tools causing loss of productivity - Too many distractions now-a-days -- kudos to the new generation school and college students!

GOD 101 : Does your dog understand your bank account?