Mindfulness Meditation in 3 steps
Mindfulness Meditation in 3 steps
(1) Observe/Watch/Acknowledge
Mindfulness Meditation is different from visualizing or chanting or praying or even thinking etc
It is about just observing/watching/acknowledging your own thoughts/mind as they come and go …and bringing your mind back to your breath and not get carried away by the thought (which we do most of the time)
(2) Recognize the thought or feeling
Recognize the pattern of your thoughts. For each thought, recognize - for example ‘oh it is anger’ or ‘ jealousy’ or ‘repenting something’ , or ‘ego show off’ etc etc… just recognize and watch and come back to observing breath…
It is like you are standing on a train station and different trains are coming but you are not getting on to any train just watching…
(3) Equanimity
The next step after that is Equanimity. This is the Vipassana meditation or Insight.
That is more difficult and next step. For younger people it is more difficult but the older you get it is probably little easier. This is being equanimous or non attached or no cravings and no aversion, or no strong feeling of like or dislike or hate..