Productivity tools causing loss of productivity - Too many distractions now-a-days -- kudos to the new generation school and college students!

Productivity tools causing loss of productivity - Too many distractions nowadays -- kudos to the new generation of school and college students!!

Video: Link:

When I sit down and try to write a blog or something which needs focus and attention like creating a song or such, nowadays I realize that there are so many distractions and it is so hard to focus…

Nowadays everyone is trying to grab your attention and fiercely competing for it … via emails or texts or s media or other feeds etc….. It is a huge industry already out there trying to grab attention via any possible method and notifications from apps and by making eye-catching pictures or videos or phrases all the time. Also folks are suffering from FOMO ( fear of missing out) !

In the past, you would watch advertisements when you watched TV or maybe on the radio ( I am talking of the generation that I grew up with).  But now the students are connected to the internet during working on their homework or studying new chapters or subjects.  They work on a laptop or have a smartphone next to them. Hence the  constant bombardment is all the time!

No wonder the new generation is being diagnosed with ADHD etc in unprecedented numbers ... It is very difficult indeed….

I seriously appreciate the new generation for dealing with this difficult situation!!!!

Namaste !!!


