GOD 101 : Does your dog understand your bank account?
Does your dog understand your bank account?
How are we any different in understanding concepts like God?
Watch the VIDEO version:
LINK: https://youtu.be/oAA-MIjIzGY
When a friend asked me this question " How come we do not understand what or who is God ? ", I answered the question with the question "does your pet dog understand your bank account or bank statement?"
Does an animal let's say an elephant or a lion or a cow or whatever understand whether they are in America or Asia or Africa or such?
What is moving the Earth around the Sun? or the Moon around the Earth? or what energy is spinning the Galaxies?
We do not know so many things. We cannot understand these things. Science is a baby created by humans to try and be able to understand these concepts.
These are things beyond human comprehension. Even the concept of Infinity is beyond our thinking.
I think the same applies to the concept of God.
Thanks and best regards!