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Music - and living in the present moment

Music  - and living in the present moment

Video Link:   https://youtu.be/92iEHy6hNwA

Music can be a source of creativity, a bridge across cultures, a refuge from the mundane, a platform of expression, and a powerful and ever-evolving element of life, it is a reflection of life itself, and a flow for us to experience all of life’s highs, lows, joys, and sorrows, an irreplaceable companion that reminds us of the beauty, the darkness, and the joy found in the moments. 

But it is also empowering and effective in creating present-moment awareness! Especially for the performer but even being the listener,  it takes us to the present moment!

Why or how? When you are listening or performing a song, is the objective about arriving or reaching the end of the song? Obviously not! It is the entire journey from moment to moment of the song!!


