
Showing posts from 2020

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You get what you already have & You lose what you never had --- Nirvana !

Mindfulness meditation - full of your mind ?

"Have a nice day, unless you have other plans " - Happiness is a decision !

Being vulnerable - a way to happiness !

sharing thoughts - Hawaiian Sunset and racial tension in mainland USA - 01-Jun-2020-

Sharing some thoughts - after a jog - on a sad day of social injustice tension around

The power of saying - "I Don't know"

My cover song - Ye Nayan Darey Darey -

Song - Nilanjan Neel Sarkar - Ye Jo Mohabbat hai

Song - Nilanjan (Neel) Sarkar - ghazal Ranjish Hi Sahi.

Song - Nilanjan (Neel) Sarkar - ghazal Pyar Bhare Do Sharmile nain

Song - Nilanjan Neel Sarkar - practice session - home recording - Raga Kalavati - Aye Sakhi - Bolo Ki Aachhe

Song - Nilanjan (Neel) Sarkar - Prayer practice raga for Godess Durga -

Song - Nilanjan Neel Sarkar - original song - Bam Bole Bholenath -

Song - Neel (Nilanjan Sarkar) - Rabindranath Tagore Sangeet - Shur Melate aamar bela je jaye -

Song - Neel (Nilanjan Sarkar) - Rabindranath Tagore Sangeet - Tomar-i jhorna-tolar nirjone

Song - Neel (Nilanjan Sarkar) - Rabindranath Tagore Sangeet - Ektuku Chhoa Laage Ektuku kotha shuni -

Song - Neel (Nilanjan Sarkar) - Rabindra nath Tagore Sangeet - Jogote Anondo Joge

Song - Neel (Nilanjan Sarkar) - Rabindranath Tagore Sangeet - Ami Tomay Joto

Meditation - yoga is connection - of inner vs outer worlds

Corona Virus lock down - teaching us the real heroes and the critical jobs !