Corona Virus lock down - teaching us the real heroes and the critical jobs !
Honolulu, Hawaii
The current Coronavirus pandemic all over the globe is wreaking havoc on the economies of countries, it is creating a lot of stress on individuals, it is causing a lot of suffering but amidst all of these, it is also teaching us a lot of things that humanity needs to learn and more so in the industrialized first-world societies.
These could be termed teachings or realizations or insights or such. One of them is the fact that the true heroes today, as everyone is in a locked-down 'shelter in place' stay inside mode using the bare essentials and limiting outside exposure, are the folks who are supporting this basic necessities infrastructure for the rest of us.
These folks are the medical staff at hospitals including the doctors and nurses and the assistants, the pharmacists, the grocery store clerks, the truck drivers delivering materials, the police and security personnel, the cooks and kitchen staff and the janitorial and cleaning staff.

Without these services the world cannot sustain. They are the true essential services that humans need at a very basic level.

The millionaires and billionaires driving luxury cars making money out of the stock market or the real estate tycoons or even the large business owners are not the ones we need at this time.

They seem like parasites at this point ( also refer to the Best Picture of 2019 Oscar-winning Korean film with the same name referring to this same theme).

Honolulu, Hawaii
The current Coronavirus pandemic all over the globe is wreaking havoc on the economies of countries, it is creating a lot of stress on individuals, it is causing a lot of suffering but amidst all of these, it is also teaching us a lot of things that humanity needs to learn and more so in the industrialized first-world societies.
These could be termed teachings or realizations or insights or such. One of them is the fact that the true heroes today, as everyone is in a locked-down 'shelter in place' stay inside mode using the bare essentials and limiting outside exposure, are the folks who are supporting this basic necessities infrastructure for the rest of us.
These folks are the medical staff at hospitals including the doctors and nurses and the assistants, the pharmacists, the grocery store clerks, the truck drivers delivering materials, the police and security personnel, the cooks and kitchen staff and the janitorial and cleaning staff.
Without these services the world cannot sustain. They are the true essential services that humans need at a very basic level.
The millionaires and billionaires driving luxury cars making money out of the stock market or the real estate tycoons or even the large business owners are not the ones we need at this time.
They seem like parasites at this point ( also refer to the Best Picture of 2019 Oscar-winning Korean film with the same name referring to this same theme).
Namaste !!!