Steps for Beginners - How to include a simple 21 minute daily yoga practice
Neel Sarkar
California, Jan 2019
Steps for Beginners -
How to include a simple 21 minute daily yoga practice
1. Decide on a time of day Morning is best , right after you wake up
1. Decide on a time of day Morning is best , right after you wake up
2. Decide on duration - Start with a 20 minutes block of time
3. Decide on a specific location withing the houseComfortable to you ; with flat surface - wooden floor or thin carpet ; ventilation or fresh air
4. Remove all distractions. Switch off your cell phone ; TV etc
( Note - this was created for a few students of mine who wanted a routine to follow when i was
i will also create separate posts for details of each of these Positions or asanas
one asana at a time
please check my other blog post on this topic for
the asana/pose details :
and Pranayama
and meditation
1. Start with a short meditation -
(3 minutes)Sit on floor /mat in Siddhasana (cross legged) position - Spine straightBreathe through the noseAbdominal breathing , when you inhale your tummy goes out ; imagine your tummy like a balloon filling in airFocus on the air entering your body and coming out
2. Pranayams -
Anulom Viloma (3 minutes)Sit on floor /mat in Siddhasana (cross legged) position - Spine straightBreathe through the noseAbdominal breathing , when you inhale your tummy goes out ; imagine your tummy like a balloon filling in airAlternate nostril breathing - close right nostril ; inhale thru left ; retain inhalation ; exhale thru right ; retain exhalation ; inhale thru right ; retain inhalation; exhale thru left ; retain exhalation
3. Sun Salutation -
12 steps (positions) sequence - 5 rounds - ( 5 mins)
4. Balancing poses -
Tree pose , stand on one leg - alternate legs ( 2 mins or try to stay as long as u can )
5. Core exercises - (3 mins )
Cat + cow ; diagonal hand and knees
6. Flex + Alignment - (5 mins) -
Trikonasana ; Ustrasana (Camel) ; Sarvangasana
Total elapsed time 21 mins.
This is just for folks who say they do not have time and just to begin a 21 mins a day short practice.
The duration can be increased gradually and then new asanas can be added as you proceed with your practice.
- Neel Sarkar
January, 2019
San Francisco bay area