Yoga notes - #4 - Some common Pranayama steps
Yoga-Pranayams :
- Background notes on Pranayam
- This is the next step after Asanas as Pranayam practice requires mastery of Asanas first
- Having a Guru to teach this is essential
- Ideal to practice Pranayams 4 times a day.
- Morning , Noon, Evening, Midnight.
- Duration 15 minutes.
- Breathe through the Nose for all pranayams
- Ideal to Sit on the floor on blanket rolled
- Virasana
- Siddhasana
- Padmasana
- Buddha Konasana
- Eyes closed , look inward
- Jalandhar Bandha position for chin + chest
- Mula Bandha typically after inhalation retention
- Uddiyana Bandha after exhalation retention
- Repeat a Mantra (Beej Mantra )
- After the pranayama session end with SavAsana always
- Breath States and Indian names for those
- Puraka == Inhalation
- Rechaka == exhalation
- Kumbhaka == retention [ antara == inhale retention ; Bahya == external retention)
- Bandha (Locks ) used during Pranayam
- Jalandar bandha
- Chin on chest collar bones cavity
- all breath states
- Uddiyana bandha
- contract abdomen ; pull towards spine ; incl lower abs
- External exhalation retention -- bahya kumbhaka
- Mula bandha
- Contract bottom ( anus and sex organs region )
- Internal exhalation retention -- Antara kumbhaka
- Kriya
- Mudra
Some Important Pranayams
- Ujjayi Pranayam
- Sit in Siddhasana
- perform Jalandar bandha
- wrists , palms on knees
- Gyan Mudra for fingers
- look inwards technique
- breathe in (puraka) with both nostrils
- Stay in antara kumbhaka
- Mula bandha + udiyana abs belly towards spine
- breathe out (rechaka)
- practice SO-HAM technique
- Surya Bhedana / Chandra bhedana
- Position into
- Siddasana ;
- Jalandar bandha ;
- Muldhara bandha
- Left hand in Gyan mudra
- Right hand for pressing nostril - with Thumb and little+ ring fingers together, the middle and index fingers are folded down
- Inhale with RIGHT nostril
- Exhale with LEFT nostril
- 5 secs for antara kumbhaka
Chandra bhedana ( is opposite sequence of nostril)
- Nadi Sodhana ( nerve cleansing, brain effect from fingers etc )
- Combines -- Anuloma exhalations ; Pratiloma inhalations ; surya bhedana ; chandra bhedana
- Steps
- Right Nostril Exhale
- Right Nostril Inhale
- Left Nostril Exhale
- Left Nostril Inhale
- Right Nostril Exhale
- Right Nostril Inhale
- Left Nostril Exhale
- Left Nostril Inhale
- After every exhale , block both Nostrils, empty lungs , external retention , uddiyana bandha
- After every inhale, block both Nostrils, internal retention , Muladhara bandha
- Bhastrika
- Bellow like breathing
- Fast Rigourous In and Out breath with both nostrils
- After 10 cycles do ujjayi pranayam
- Again back to fast/rigorous
Type-2 - alternate nostril
- Block left ; half-open right ; quick IN breath
- Block right ; half open left ; quick OUT
- Reverse order
- Kapalbhati
- Inhale slow
- Exhale vigorous
- Multiple times
- Short retention after every exhalation
- Savasana at the end
- Bhramri
- Same as Ujjayi but while exhalation make a soft humming sound like a bee
- Viloma
- Interrupted inhale & exhale with short pauses
- Anuloma
- Only in sitting position ;
- Inhalation with both nostril ; mula bandha
- Exhalation with alternate nostrils ; uddiyana bandha
- Pratilome
- Opposite of Anulome, inhale with alternate but exhale from both nostrils
- Slow long prolonged IN-breath longer than OUT
- Antara kumbhaka , internal retention, with mulabandha
- Exhale with both , external retention , uddiyana bandha
Thank you!
Namaste 🙏