Yoga notes - #4 - Some common Pranayama steps

Yoga-Pranayams :

  1. Background notes on Pranayam
    1. This is the next step after Asanas as Pranayam practice requires mastery of Asanas first
    2. Having a Guru to teach this is essential
    3. Ideal to practice Pranayams 4 times a day.  
      1. Morning , Noon,  Evening,  Midnight.   
      2. Duration 15 minutes.
    4. Breathe through the Nose for all pranayams
    5. Ideal to Sit on the floor on blanket rolled
      1. Virasana
      2. Siddhasana
      3. Padmasana
      4. Buddha Konasana
    1. Eyes closed , look inward
    2. Jalandhar Bandha  position for chin + chest
    3. Mula Bandha typically after inhalation retention
    4. Uddiyana Bandha after exhalation retention
    5. Repeat a Mantra (Beej Mantra )
    6. After the pranayama session end with SavAsana always

  1. Breath States and Indian names for those
    1. Puraka   ==  Inhalation
    2. Rechaka  == exhalation
    3. Kumbhaka  == retention   [ antara == inhale  retention ; Bahya == external retention)

  1. Bandha   (Locks )  used during Pranayam
    1. Jalandar bandha
  • Chin on chest collar bones cavity
  • all breath states
    1. Uddiyana bandha
  • contract abdomen ; pull towards spine  ; incl lower abs
  • External exhalation retention -- bahya kumbhaka
    1. Mula bandha
  • Contract bottom ( anus and sex organs region )
  • Internal exhalation retention --  Antara kumbhaka

  1. Kriya

  1. Mudra

Some Important Pranayams

  1. Ujjayi Pranayam
    1. Sit in Siddhasana
    2. perform Jalandar bandha
    3. wrists , palms on knees
    4. Gyan Mudra for fingers
    5. look inwards technique
    6. breathe in (puraka) with both nostrils
    7. Stay in antara kumbhaka
    8. Mula bandha  +  udiyana abs belly towards spine
    9. breathe out (rechaka)
    10. practice SO-HAM technique

  1. Surya Bhedana / Chandra bhedana
    1. Position into
      1. Siddasana ;
      2. Jalandar bandha ;
      3. Muldhara bandha
    2. Left hand in Gyan  mudra
    3. Right hand for pressing nostril - with Thumb and little+ ring fingers together, the middle and index fingers are folded down
    4. Inhale with  RIGHT nostril
    5. Exhale with LEFT nostril
    6. 5 secs for antara kumbhaka

Chandra bhedana ( is opposite sequence of nostril)

  1. Nadi Sodhana   ( nerve cleansing, brain effect from fingers etc )
    1. Combines  -- Anuloma exhalations ;  Pratiloma  inhalations ; surya bhedana ; chandra bhedana
    2. Steps
      1. Right Nostril Exhale
      2. Right Nostril Inhale
      3. Left Nostril Exhale
      4. Left Nostril Inhale
      5. Right Nostril Exhale
      6. Right Nostril Inhale
      7. Left Nostril Exhale
      8. Left Nostril Inhale

    1. After every exhale , block both Nostrils, empty lungs , external retention , uddiyana bandha
    2. After every inhale, block both Nostrils, internal retention , Muladhara bandha

  1. Bhastrika
    1. Bellow like breathing
  1. Fast Rigourous In and Out breath with both nostrils
  2. After 10 cycles do ujjayi pranayam
  3. Again back to fast/rigorous

Type-2 - alternate nostril
  1. Block left ; half-open right ; quick IN breath
  2. Block right ; half open left ; quick OUT
  3. Reverse order

  1. Kapalbhati
    1. Inhale slow
    2. Exhale vigorous
    3. Multiple times
    4. Short retention after every exhalation
    5. Savasana at the end

  1. Bhramri
  1. Same as Ujjayi but while exhalation make a soft humming sound like a bee

  1. Viloma
  1. Interrupted inhale & exhale with short pauses

  1. Anuloma
  1. Only in sitting position ;
  2. Inhalation with both nostril ; mula bandha
  3. Exhalation with alternate nostrils ; uddiyana bandha

  1. Pratilome
  • Opposite of Anulome, inhale with alternate but exhale from both nostrils
  • Slow long prolonged IN-breath longer than OUT
  • Antara kumbhaka , internal retention, with mulabandha
  • Exhale with both , external retention , uddiyana bandha

Thank you!

Namaste  🙏 
