Life Thoughts - 5 simple steps to drastically improve your work life balance

Here are 5 simple steps to drastically improve your level of happiness, satisfaction, and work-life balance.

1. Time management:
  • Create a 'To Do" list
  • Prioritize the items in this list. 
  • Assign specific time duration ( not a specific time slot or hour of the day but just duration like 30 minutes) for certain tasks. For example - Exercise for 30 mins , not necessarily at 7 AM or 6 PM or such but anytime and mark done when achieved...

2. Exercise:
  • Do at least 20 minutes of exercise daily. One tip - if you do not want or do not have a gym membership, you can do a workout at home.  That is even if it is some push-ups or sit-ups or jumping jacks or some Yoga Asana!
  • Another option is to go walking, biking or swimming. Walk for 1 hour anytime you can during the day!

3. Relationships: 
  • For your important or closest relationships, focus on a small improvement, like planning a phone call or video call or a text or anything simple. This is not faking it! but a genuine reaching out as ' How are you doing?' genuinely since you do want to know... Just let the communication happen.

4. Sleep:
  • Another simple fix. Just try to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Go to bed earlier if that is required.

5. Do something different or take a vacation  even if for a day:

  • Just for some specific days or even half-days, do something different from regular work or your housework ... for example if not a sightseeing vacation to a beach or something you could practice music by singing or learning guitar or any instrument, or go to a farm and help or go to a spiritual organization and volunteer or  an old age home or a ghetto and help!  

Aloha from Hawaii!



-Neel / Nilanjan

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